Unboxing Education
Decentralizing the School
Competition Entry, 2024
A WEI+ZKA Project
Unboxing Education reimagines the school as a decentralized, mat-based environment that dismantles conventional school layouts to create a fluid space where boundaries between classrooms, corridors, and outdoor areas dissolve. This approach positions the school as a “learning landscape,” where structured and unstructured spaces blend, encouraging curiosity and interaction.

Diagram of spatial organization
Program distribution across levels
Site conditions influencing spatial organization
Overview of various functions across the campus
Exploded program axonometric
Roof Plan
Ground floor plan (at grade with east of site)
Basement floor plan (at grade with west site)
Aerial view of green roofs and open courtyards
Aerial view of the school campus
Sheltered walkway linking campus areas
View of the entrance from the public plaza
Shaded pathway for informal interactions
Site photographs